A brief introduction

-NLD Editorial Board-


We are pleased to announce our new publication to the world: No Locked Doors. NLD is a Black Maoist project that has been in the works for many years between a few comrades who have crossed paths in the midst of struggle. Throughout the years, we have individually experienced the ups and downs of communist organizing in our different localities. We’ve seen the general lack of quality in the left – the in-fighting, reformism, postmodernism, false internationalism, false nationalism and every other bourgeois deviation that you could name and/or think of.

The members behind this editorial board will remain anonymous because this publication is not about us. It’s about sharing our experiences in hopes that it will inform the theory of proletarians who are dealing with the same issues in class struggle. We have all found ourselves in situations that inhibit our ability to organize and frankly, we need to pass the baton. Through NLD, we plan to engage in the struggle that is necessary for the Black proletariat to develop and grow into a revolutionary powerhouse. Our publication will hopefully unlock the doors of our subjective localities to have a more objective discussion for Black Proletarian theory. By making our theory more objective, we can truly develop Black Proletarian struggle based on practice. After all, we made this publication to showcase articles and writings from actual organizers who are adding to proletarian science.

That being said, NLD is issuing a call to all Black communists who visit our publication: We are taking submissions! If you are a Black communist and you have writings to share, then please submit them to our editorial board. We welcome submissions from only Black communists in line with the goal that we have stated previously. We will review all works before publishing. If we see potential in the piece but it needs struggle, we will send it back with comments when we have time. We hope to hear from you all soon and we will be publishing some works that have already been submitted.

Warm regards,

NLD Editorial Board